Monday, April 4, 2011

Dark Moon

I work with Hekate as the Dark Moon.

Here is a hymn to Her from sometime during the 400's CE which includes Janus

Hymn VI: To Hekate and Janus
Hail, many-named Mother of the Gods, whose children are fair
Hail, mighty Hekate of the Threshold
And hail to you also Forefather Janus, Imperishable Zeus
Hail to you Zeus most high.
Shape the course of my life with luminous Light
And make it laden with good things,
Drive sickness and evil from my limbs.
And when my soul rages about worldly things,
Deliver me purified by your soul-stirring rituals.
Yes, give me your hand I pray
And reveal to me the pathways of divine guidance that I long for,
Then shall I gaze upon that precious Light
Whence I can flee the evil of our dark origin.
Yes, give me your hand I pray,
And when I am weary bring me to the haven of piety with your winds.
Hail, many-named mother of the Gods, whose children are fair
Hail, mighty Hekate of the Threshold
And hail to you also Forefather Janus, Imperishable Zeus,
Hail to you Zeus most high.

This was written by Proclus Diadochus, He was one of the last classical philosophers. He studied at Alexandria. He traveled abroad for a year, allegedly seeing to be initiated into all of the Mystery Traditions he could find (He lived in the 400's CE when christiatnity had already taken hold). Why? Because, quoth wiki, he was trying to become "a priest of the entire universe"

Interesting that I was led back to this hymn, to this writer, tonight after my Hekate ritual. I sat in silence for some time, letting myself be filled with visions. I opened a gate, behind it was fog. It could've been a cemetery or a library. It was the latter. An old one. Actually, it was as if the New York Public library and this ancient place were superimposed over each other. I walked up many steps, past stone lions to large, dark wooden doors. Inside both scenes were again superimposed, making me a bit dizzy. There were modern0ish book covers, that old book smell, and dark wooden shelves. One part was dark, but the center was lit up as if there were hidden fluorescent lights shining on the painted, gilded ceiling. That's all I'm going into for now. It was an interesting experience. Communing with Hekate always is.

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